sewing the third birthday outfit
Fabric | Patterns

Bug’s CUSTOM Third Birthday Outfit

ery year of my girl’s life, I’ve made her a special outfit to celebrate her birthday in. The first two years were pretty dresses. Her third birthday fell just shortly after her Tio’s wedding, so we decided that she’d wear the pretty dress we made for the rehearsal for her birthday party to keep up the pretty dress tradition. But this year, my girl was old enough to make a special request of her own for an outfit. 

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sewing Pumpkin Patch costumes for Halloween
Fabric | How-To | Patterns

DIY Halloween Costume – Pumpkin Princess and her Pumpkin Patch

It is OCTOBER! Time really flies – I’m more than halfway through my 12 week maternity leave, which is very bittersweet. We have an exciting month ahead of us in October. My brother-in-law will finally get married, after many COVID-related delays. My baby girl will turn THREE years old! And we will celebrate Halloween… Maybe in a more typical fashion than last year? Remains to be seen. I normally stay VERY up to date on posting my makes here on the blog, but as I’ve had some time to look through photos while I’ve been on maternity leave, I’ve realized that I missed a couple over the past year! Luckily, this one is just as relevant this year as it would’ve been last year, especially if you are looking for a fun (and simple!) family Halloween costume to DIY this month!

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sewing a toddler set out of Taco Fabric with Minerva
Collabs | Fabric

Sewing a Tiny Taco Set with Minerva

This fabric was designed a few years ago by Dana Willard, as part of her Day Trip collection inspired by road tripping through Texas. I have always loved the fun, whimsical prints and colors in this collection, and actually purchased a cut of this same fabric to sew myself a dress in May 2018 (the photos we used to announce that I had a bun in the oven!). My little one LOVES tacos (they are second place as her favorite dinner food, topped only by chicken and “cha wise” – aka french fries!), and always comments on the tacos on that dress when I wear it. So when I had the opportunity to sew with it again with Minerva, I jumped on it!

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